Picture this: A fully-equipped recording studio on wheels rolls into underserved schools. Excited kids, young songwriters, record their own original music, then perform it outdoors for a cheering audience! hashtag MusicBus
Manzil Mystics, founded by INK Fellow Anurag Hoon (@AnuragHoon), brings this vision to life.
In a world where creativity in education often takes a back seat due to resource constraints, Manzil Mystics is making high-quality music education accessible to India’s most underserved children. His groundbreaking initiative, the Music Bus, is India’s first recording studio on wheels, dedicated to nurturing musical genius in low-income schools across the nation.
Equipped with powerful generators to support high-quality recording equipment, and a performance deck that opens on the exterior, the Music Bus has become a beacon of hope and creativity, achieving remarkable milestones:
You just have to experience ajoyful, vibrant outdoor performance by these talented young children to understand what a difference this is making in their lives!
Manzil Mystics aims to reach 1 million children by 2026! Because music is so much more than melody and rhythm–it’s a powerful catalyst for social empowerment. Through music, children learn to think creatively, express their deepest emotions, and dream bigger.
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