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From Tech to Table: How INK Fellow Abhay Singh is Revolutionizing Sustainable Agriculture

  • Entrepreneurship

INK Fellow Abhay Singh’s journey from robotics enthusiast to agricultural innovator began with a simple realization: to feed the world sustainably in the face of climate change, we must grow more with less. In 2018, Abhay and co-founder Amit left behind lucrative tech jobs and dived into agriculture, a world they had little experience of.

“We didn’t want to build technology for the sake of it anymore, but create something that mattered,” Abhay recalls. Their research revealed a pattern: throughout history, wars have been fought over food, water, and land. “It all came back to basic necessities. We had to figure out how to grow food without depleting our resources.”

This vision birthed Eeki Farms, a revolutionary approach to farming using patented growing chambers. The chambers create an ideal environment for plant growth in nutrient-rich water, succeeding even in the harshest environments like the arid lands of Rajasthan, where temperatures soar to 50C. Eeki’s farms create local water reservoirs, cut water usage by 80%, and eliminate poisonous pesticides, offering vegetables delivered within 24 hours of harvest.

Eeki Farms operates 70 acres of six IoT-enabled smart farms, ensuring year-round crop production. Sensors continually record environmental parameters like temperature and humidity, sending the data to a central system that controls cooling systems and water valves, optimizing crop conditions. The farms have saved 400,000 liters of water and reduced fertilizer use by 13 tons, cutting CO₂ emissions by up to three tons annually.

Today, Eeki Farms has a team of 500, 98% of whom are women from surrounding villages. “The women farmers have an unmatched ability to nurture crops,” Abhay says. “Their care and attention to detail have been crucial to our success. It’s rewarding to see them not only grow crops but grow in confidence as they become key contributors to their communities.” This community impact is key to Abhay’s vision.

The journey has been challenging, but Abhay credits the INK Fellowship with providing valuable support and helping develop strategic connections. “Being an INK Fellow connected me with brilliant people striving to make a real impact,” Abhay says. “It’s inspiring to be part of a community looking beyond profit, giving us the confidence that we’re not alone.”

Eeki Farms is now expanding and scaling operations across India and into the Middle East, replicating its model in regions like Oman. It has earned the “Sustainability Champion” title at the National Startup Awards 2023 and was named “Climate Warriors” at the Forbes India Leadership Awards 2024. As Abhay says, “This is more than a business—it’s our way of ensuring a future where people find sustainable ways to coexist with the environment.”

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